
Denzel Washington quits drinking alcohol for Flight role

Denzel Washington

Mark Davis/Getty Images

Denzel Washington's latest roll as an alcoholic pilot must have scared him straight!  In a recent interview, Washington admits he did not have one drink of alcohol during the 45-day filming of the movie.  

While filming his starring role in the new movie "Flight," which opens November 2, actor Denzel Washington plays a pilot who's lauded for landing a crashing flight, but then comes under fire when it's discovered that he had alcohol in his system at the time of the incident. His character, Whip Whitaker, is considered by many to be an alcoholic. So this would've been the perfect opportunity for Washington, who revealed in a 1986 interview with Essence that he was giving up alcohol, to hit the bottle hard — but that's not what happened. Instead, Washington, who now says he only "semi-quit" alcohol back in the ‘80s, gave up booze for all 45 days of filming.




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