
Dressing for the Courtroom

Gregory peck as Atticus Finch in the film adaptation of To Kill

My friend recently got a new job for a personal injury solicitors firm and when we met up last we got talking about fashion in the workplace. See, i work for a company who allows me to dress casual, and I had never really considered what I would do if I had to dress in suits every single day. Saying that, I do find the idea very exciting - I love the fashion in madmen and one of my favourite books is To Kill a Mockingbird (Atticus is a great icon for men) - so I starting looking into a few items that I thought would be my ideal outfit in the courtroom.

1. 3-Piece suite look:

This Three piece suit look screams authority. It also calls back to eras gone by. This is the kind of suit I could see an older gentlemen wearing to show his power in the courtroom. The is no way this suit wouldn't bring respect.

2. Waistcoat look:

The waistcoat look is much more casual, yet still looks authoritive. The waistcoast prevents the look being too casual (that would occur with just the shirt).


1. 3-Piece Slim Fit Suit from ASOS
2. Waistcoat from ASOS

The Big Foist

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