
Fashion 2.0 Strikes Footwear

Printed XYZ Shoes

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The future is here, and Fashion 2.0 is taking the fashion scene by storm with entrepreneurs like Earl Stewart at the fore. Bringing together a whole lot of 3D's – 3D design, 3D printing and 3D scanning – not to mention the newest aesthetic to hit the fashion world, his XYZ shoe project creates a personalized pair of the fanciest, most high tech shoes available.


Earl stewart investigates the utilization of rapid manufacturing techniques as a means of catering to all aspects of an individual, including what is on their feet.


His 'XYZ shoe project' uses accurate 3D scanning in order to make a personalized pair of shoes. stewart worked together with a podiatrist to understand and enhance the biomechanical performance for the wearer, improving and offering maximum comfort, stability and foot alignment.


Each one is designed from 3D scans of the individual's foot to ensure the right fit. (Check Out The Gallery)

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