
Have a Seat Before You Commit (To a New Button-Up Shirt)

Buying a button-up shirt

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There are a number of things to keep an eye out for when you're looking to buy a new button-up shirt to ensure it will look good throughout the day. One aspect that people seem to forget about when shirt shopping is how it will react to sitting down; if the shirt fits well, you won't have to tuck it in every time you sit down or bend over.


When out trying on different button-up shirts, do something you may not have considered: sit down in your shirt before buying. Since slim is in, many (fashionably aware) men these days have overcompensated by buying slimmer and slimmer garments. The result is a shirt that might looks like it fits well when they’re standing in front of a mirror, but as soon as they sit down, the placket will gape and the buttons will strain as their stomachs push out.

A well fitting shirt should have relatively clean lines no matter what position your body is in. Read More

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