
Highlights From FNO Jamaica 2012

Highlights From FNO Jamaica 2012

In my opinion FNO Jamaica this year was a bit disappointing . I think most businesses spent more time on hyping up their stores , than what they actually had in the store . I saw a lot of stuff that were out of season that were not even reasonably priced . There were even some stores who had the "nicer" things that were on sale as .. CASH ONLY !!! Seriously ! Who walks with cash these days.  I got waaaaaaaaaaay more pics last year . The "Sea Of People" who i saw last year , was definitely not evident this year . I honestly think people came out to see what the "Hype Stores" , had in store . Here are the pics below :

Live Models At Go West ( Mall Plaza)




Bad Dawg Sausages


Red Stripe


How was your FNO experience this year?
The opinions expressed are my own . 

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