
How to Make Your Lips Bigger Naturally

Lip Plumper


Several people are beginning to take the trending holistic path in order to save money, keep chemicals out of their body and home and also to help them take on a more organic/toxin free life style. In this article we are going to look at how to make your lips bigger naturally using raw ingredients that will act as a natural lip plumper, and we will also talk about the different exercises that you can do in order to help you maintain a lush full lipped look.

Why to go for natural remedies

The way I look at it is if you can’t eat it then why use it on your body at all? Especially when it is a material that you are putting on or around your mouth, which means you will in some way or another end up digesting it. When using natural remedies not only are you using raw ingredients that you can read and understand what they are, but also natural remedies are designed to work with your body rather than against it and will give you the best outcome for your dollar.

Brush and exfoliate your lips

There are several different ways that you can go about brushing and exfoliating your lips, however, one of the best life hacks that I had learned about was to use your basic tooth brush, and brush in a circular motion on your dry lips the same way you would brush your teeth. You can then follow up with a sugar scrub using 1 spoon of honey with 2 spoons of sugar mixed together, leave on your lips for approximately five minutes, and then remove in a circular motion with a wet cloth. Once you’re done exfoliating make sure to moisturize using either a lip balm or vitamin E.

Use Natural Remedies Instead of Chemical Lip Plumper’s

It is better to use natural remedies rather than chemical because you will get a more long lasting result, and you won’t run the risk of digesting any carcinogens. Some of the different natural remedies that you can use instead of store bought chemical lip plumper’s are Cinnamon essential oil, Peppermint essential oil or Cayenne Pepper essential oil. When using any of these products as a natural lip plumper it will temporarily irritate your lips and increase the blood circulation, which will allow the blood to go to the surface thus giving it a plump look. In order to get the right result be sure to dab two or three drops onto your lips using your fingers, and then follow up with either a lip balm or vitamin E to lock in the moisture.

Do Regular Lip Exercises

There are a few simple lip exercises that you can do to make your lips have a fuller and pouty look to them, one of these exercises is whistling. When you look at musicians that play wind instruments they naturally have more voluptuous lips, so with this in mind you can whistle for about 3-5 minutes every day to your favorite songs in order to develop stronger lip muscles. Another exercise is to move your lips from side to side while rotating, and holding each section for five seconds. Do about fifteen reps of these in order to gain the best results. Then finally the last exercise that I am going to discuss is the smile and kiss method because smiling a certain way can get the job done just as well. When smiling make it as broad as you can while keeping your lips closed, and hold them in this position for approximately five

Seconds. Then move your lips into the position that you would when you’re about to kiss someone, and hold this position for approximately five seconds as well then smile again. While doing this exercise make sure to tense your lips as much as possible, and repeat this exercise 20 times daily.


By using these six easy natural lip plumping tips you can save yourself a lot of money while protecting your body from harmful chemicals, and at the same time you will be receiving the same if not better big lip results.

Andrea Moore

Andrea Moore, a post-graduate in English literature, is a writer and beauty researcher. She is specialized in eye and lip care. She is contributing to from June 2011....(Read More)

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