
I Write

I write to express.
I write to tell stories untold.
I write to hear my thoughts unspoken.I write to get rid of my fear.
I write to call upon my bravery .I write to the friend that no one sees.
I write to understand.
I write to decipher
I write to erase the pain and to remember the joy
I write to entertain and amuse.
I write to challenge the barriers of the world.
I write to unlock the jail that I imprisoned myself in.
I write because its fun.
I write because even if  I fail I can still be a winner.
I write to tell the truth.
I write to discover the lies.
I write because you make me.
I write because I make myself
I write to come to terms with past so I can see the future.
I write to put a light in the darkness.
I write to let that one voice at the corner of my mind come alive.
I write to remember then I turn around and write to forget .
I write to create the thing that this life refuses to give me.
I write.......


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