
Stressed out from Work? – Here Are the Stress-Free Vacation Options


Modern living does no favors for your stress levels. It’s not that it brings about too much stress all at once but things tend to pile up on one after another, and after some time, you have so many things on your mind that make you feel you are ready to burst. You need to let yourself go from time to time and avoid obsessing about things that can go wrong, things that you need to do and things that you have already done. This is why we take vacations at least twice a year!

In some cases, vacations can cause even more stress, which is probably one of the first things that can happen to you. Badly organized trips, trips that involve too much running around, festivals that are everything but relaxing and similar set ups that make you say: “I’m too old for this trip”.  

The seaside and the classic package

The sea has many benefits all by itself. First of all, it’s pure fun being able to sunbathe all day long while reading a good book and listening to your favorite music. It just gives you the opportunity to have some alone time and focus on, well, nothing in particular. The Sun’s heat also influences our endocrine system provoking it to produce endorphin which helps us feel more relaxed.  Salty seawater has a positive influence on some skin conditions which are commonly developed due to stress and no sun time throughout the year due to desk jobs most of us have. Pick out your island escape and start enjoying your vacation.

Make sure that the travel agency takes care of everything and that that they are good as their word. It is surprisingly easy to turn moments of leisure by the sea side into 10 days of anger due to poor organization, and it is too late to back out once you arrive.

The mountain retreat

These days, we see nature in photos and movies more than in real life. We all admire its beauty but there is no camera in the world that  can transfer its beauty in full or invoke the same emotions as when you experience it in person. While mountain retreats are stereotypically chosen for winter vacations, there is no reason you should avoid it during the other seasons. If you are having problems sleeping, fresh air can help you sleep like a baby, and this is a scientifically proven fact. Mountain retreats usually include spas which can solve a variety of health related issues and give your muscles the rest they deserve. Your stomach will appreciate the switch to a healthier cuisine most resorts offer and you will have the opportunity to give it a break from all that junk food you are forced to eat while living your big city lifestyle.

The rural escape

The urban noise can be a stress all by itself. In big cities, there are very few ways to escape the noise and sleep in complete silence. If you really want to escape all your worries and rest properly, going to a more rural location and enjoying a few days in the countryside might be the solution you’ve been after all along. As far as this option goes, there are really a lot of options to choose from, and it might be a good idea to ask someone who tried this type of vacation option for a recommendation.

Transformational festivals

Your body is your temple, and we tend to disregard our temple throughout the year. Bad posture, not enough exercise and the lack of sleep all have devastating effects on your body. We also fail to conect with other people on a personal level, opting for social media websites and phone calls instead. A transformational festival is a good way to to recharge your batteries, get some spiritual healing, pick up a new skill - e.g. yoga, martial arts and dancing - and learn about green energy and sustainable living. There is a very relaxed and friendly athmosphere, so you can meet a lot of interesting people and have fun, while at the same time focusing on personal development. 

Give yourself the time to take a breather and you will soon realize that everything you do comes easier and that your overall efficiency is on a whole other level. Pushing yourself to the limit has its costs and you need to tone it down a notch from time to time. You are not a robot after all!


Ivan Dimitrijevic

Ivan Dimitrijevic has his focus on blogging as well as Social Media marketing. Among other things he had articles published that consider a wide range...(Read More)

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