
Christian Lacroix & The Tale of Sleeping Beauty

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If one truly desires to be thoroughly fashionable, there is a necessary component that does not involve the purchasing or assembling of your wardrobe.

This being said, there is no greater asset to being tasteful and stylish than to be well versed in the vocabulary and history of fashion. The once fabulous boundless career of Christian Lacroix who at one point had a stunning little shop on 5th Avenue and later, a superb boutique on 57th Street and was the toast of Paris as well as the world of Haute Couture.

Alas, they are gone, but in their wake is the story of Sleeping Beauty and her Prince Charming - that would be Monsieur Lacroix. One description of this book reads "fairy tale and haute couture mix charmingly in this re-imagined story..." Believe it or not, there is not one word of hyperbole in that description. And evidently there is an entire series of these books featuring fashion designers and various other re-envisioned "once upon a time" stories.

Ms. Morton has successfully taken the details of Mr. Lacroix's life and has woven them into the fabric of the fairy tale - pun intended. With accompanying images, the story and art are combined in a most engaging technique - odd and surprising and fresh in a way one rarely experiences in fashion memoirs.

Jeffrey Felner

Jeffrey Felner has been a lifelong and dedicated participant in the Fashion Business. He has been involved in almost every facet of product development and sales. His career highlights span from MIRIAM HASKELL as VP of Merchandising and Design to Design Director of TIMEX licensed DECORATIVE clocks in command of a $15 million business. He has been involved in apparel, accessories, buying and sel...(Read More)

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