BeoLab 90
If money is no option, the brand new, 300-pound, BeoLab 90 speaker will be the gift that everyone talks about year after year. Bang & Olufsen's 360-degree design is priced at $38,995 and has no obvious front or back. Each of its 18 drivers offer up to 8,200 watts and the design's Beam Direction/Width Control enables you to control where you want the audio to go.
5 Holiday Gift Ideas for the Techy Who Has Everything
The holiday season has arrived and now is the perfect time to get a jump start on all of those gifts you need to buy. But what to get? The toughest person to shop for is the one who already has everything, especially gadget fanatics. We all know someone who pre-ordered the iPhone 6s months in advance and always has the latest tablet at their disposal. Thankfully, the tech world is constantly evolving and super cool products are always waiting to be unveiled. We picked our five favorite devices to make the holidays a snap, from a smart desk for the business techy to an electric unicycle for the urban eco-conscious techy.

IO Hawk Scooter
The IO Hawk Scooter has had a crazy year and chances are, you have seen plenty of celebrities rolling around on one. It may be a tough gadget to name-it's sort of like a sideways skateboard mixed with a Segway that has had its handlebars removed-but it prefers being called an intelligent mobility device. Available in white, black, yellow, blue and red, the $1,799 wheeled scooter responds to shifts in pressure. All you have to do is distribute your weight to move forward and back at a top speed of 6.2 mph. First-timers may look a little like unsteady gazelles learning to walk, but most people only need 10 minutes to get a hang of it.