
The Complete Guide to Living Small

life living

If you haven’t heard about it yet, you soon will.  There is a growing movement of people who are moving out of large living spaces into compact apartments and tiny houses.  They are thinking about their carbon footprint and have decided to live more clean, streamlined lives without the unneeded and unwanted clutter that surrounds so many of us.  If you are thinking about going small, here is a guide to give your more information and help you decide if living small is in your future.

No More Clutter

One of the challenges in living small is that you don’t have extra room for unnecessary items.  So you will need to scale down on what you really need.  You will need to decide what you want to keep and if you have room.  When you consider that tiny living means moving into a space with as little as 250 square feet, you have to be practical and smart. 

The best way to do that is ask yourself if you need it or want it.  You’ll find that over the years you’ve collected a lot of items that you probably just don’t need.  Good news is that any rejected things can be sold and you could have a little pocket money in the deal.

Creative Use of Space

Even if you don’t have walls to separate living spaces, you can still designate certain areas as your living room, dining room and bedroom.  It just takes a little work and an eye for details to make it happen. 


One area that may be a challenge is a kitchen area.   Standard appliances are big and bulky and take up a lot of valuable room.  Check out your options for mini-frigs that meet your needs.  Look for smaller cooktops and ovens such as RV stores and other places like Carol Gifts Store that specialize in small appliances.

You can also consider appliances like hot plates and portable cooktops to substitute for a stove or range top.  Products like the As Seen on TV NuWave Induction cooktop is an option.  Induction cooktops are safe and easy to use.  They are portable and can be stored away when not in use.  So you might be able to create a smaller kitchen area if you don’t have to make room for both a refrigerator and stove.

Furniture to Scale

Organizing your new small place can be challenging. With limited space, your furniture needs to fit the scale of the room that you’re decorating.  It’s a good idea to make wise choices.  Look for items that can serve double duty.  Fold out chairs or small love seats can serve as day time seating and night time bedding options. 

With limited storage in mind, look for items that can give you more storage place.  You’ll soon find out that storage is the big challenge you’ll need to conquer.

Best Layout

Small living also means that your rooms serve more than one purpose.  Your living area doubles as an office and possibly sleeping quarters.  So determine what your needs are and go from there.  If you need an office to work from home, then decide the best use of place to accommodate your needs.  Maybe a fold-out dining table can be your desk. 

Color and Design

Living tiny doesn’t mean that you have to live a plain and dull life.  Color and design can make any place feel more like a home.  Choose colors that brighten up your place and make the area look bigger.  Light colors can make a space feel and look larger than what it really is.

Decorations can also be a great choice to give your place a comfy and cozy atmosphere.  Some decorations can be multipurpose as well.  Shelving can serve as storage and spaces to keep items for everyday use.  Open shelving also can keep a small space from feeling small. 

If you decide that small living is right for you, then make wise and practical choices that fit your needs and create a happy new home.  


I am a student, education consultant and passionate blogger. I enjoy sharing my experience, ideas & opinions to anyone who wants to listen. Apart from writing and blogging I like Watching movies,cooking and playing cricket....(Read More)

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