Tis' the Season to Step Up Your Skincare Routine
With a new season comes the need for a fresh arsenal of fashion and grooming products. You wouldn't head into winter without an overcoat, and you shouldn't With a new season comes the need for a fresh arsenal of fashion and grooming products. You wouldn't head into winter without an overcoat, and you shouldn't plan on getting through the next few months without an upgraded skincare regimen either. The holidays can wreak havoc on our skin, whether it's due to the weather, the stress of visiting relatives or the insane amount of sugar being consumed from all those Christmas cookies to plan on getting through the next few months without an upgraded skincare regimen either. The holidays can wreak havoc on our skin, whether it's due to the weather, the stress of visiting relatives or the insane amount of sugar being consumed from all those Christmas cookies. Of course we wouldn't send you in unprepared, so here are some of the best tips for keeping your skin looking great all season long.

Beard Grooming
If you're toying with the idea of growing a beard during the winter make sure that you prep your skin for the hairy transition. After months of shaving, letting your whiskers go wild can lead to ingrown hairs, dry skin and a scruffy look that can seem more scraggly vagabond than suave lumberjack. Be sure to scrub skin daily to avoid bumps and red zones, and maintain your facial topiary with the right products. Beard oil and mustache wax can keep even a beard mid-grow out look polished and refined. Try Beardbrand's Beardman Grooming Kit which includes everything needed to start your winter look. Kit includes a large comb, pocket comb, mustache comb, boar's hair brush, trimming scissors, mustache wax, and your pick of beard oil. Available at Beardbrand and priced at $200.
Grooming Kit