The U.S. Senate designated May as Military Appreciation Month in 1999. Since then, people have put military appreciation in the spotlight each year, showing their support for those who stand guard and keep the country safer. The organization Paws of War was founded in an effort to show military appreciation all year long by helping veterans, active duty, and their families in various ways. Paws of War demonstrates its gratitude everyday by saving kittens and puppies for soldiers deployed overseas. Recently on one of the rescue missions, the organization rescued a paralyzed puppy named Tammy and got her safely to America for the solider who adopted her. Which is one of over 30 such rescues in the just the last month.
“We are honored to have been able to do things for our heroic military serving our country,” said Robert Misseri, the co-founder of Paws of War. “
Not only has the work that Paws of War does help many military members over the years, but it has also given people a way to show their appreciation. Many people want to do things to give back to those in the military, but they don't always know how to show their support. Those who see the heartfelt stories shared by Paws of War and then choose to support their efforts are showing their appreciation for the military all year long.
There are numerous ways people can show their support for those in the military, including:
Supporting causes helping military members, such as the work that Paws of War does.
Providing a military discount through May, giving members and their families a way to save money on their purchases and experiences.
Offer support to a local military family, such as giving them a gift card for a night out or watching the kids while the parents have a date night.
Attend local parades and events that honor and highlight the military.
Send a care package to someone in the military, including cards, snacks, and books.Express gratitude to people for their contributions.
Hold a fundraiser, such as a garage sale or bake sale, and donate the funds to support causes that help military members or veterans.
“Everyone has something they can offer to show military support, whether it be a financial contribution, time, or kind words,” added Misseri. “We always appreciate those who support the military by donating to our missions. We could not do what we do for military members and veterans without the support of those in the community. Here’s to another 10 years of giving back!”
Since its founding in 2014, Paws of War has served active-duty deployed troops through the War Torn Pups and Cats program. In 2023, they rescued over 200 dogs and cats for deployed military members and moved their rescued pets to America.
Some of the Paws of War key rescue stories that have been made possible through donations include:
Paws of War rescues a crippled dog for a soldier named Tammy -
Paws of War disabled veteran Derek Cartright has made multiple overseas trips to save dogs and cats for deployed troops -
Paws of War saves Husky that, give birth to 6 pups -
Paws of War saves cat, the comforted soldier injured while on deployment -
See soldier find puppy abandoned in the desert and save him -
Paws of War also focuses on giving back to our veterans in various ways. They have helped veterans with numerous issues, including suicide prevention, service and support dogs, companion cats and dogs, food insecurity, veterinary care, etc. Paws of War has a large loyal following of supporters and looks forward to working with new corporate sponsors to support these life-saving programs. To donate to help their mission, visit its site at