Best Restaurants in MoscowEating out in Moscow is a warm and gratifying experience. There
are ample Moscow restaurants serving traditional Russian cuisine
such as caviare, beef stroganov and chicken kiev, as well as a many
offering international or seafood menus. The best Moscow
restaurants specialising in local fare can be found inside the
Garden Ring and Kitai, or near Poklonnaya Hill. There are excellent
seafood restaurants in both Red Square and Kiev Station Square,
while international cuisine is available from restaurants in
Pushkinskaya and Tverskaya, and on Teatralny Proezd (city centre).
The Taganskaya area is also well-know for its wealth of
restaurants. While there are some Moscow restaurants that even stay
open 24 hours a day, most establishments require reservations. Some
restaurants add a service charge to the bill and if not, 10%
gratuity is acceptable. |