Fashion and technology combined to help kick-off the opening of the new Burberry flagship store in Chicago at the end of last month. Located in downtown Chicago, the event marked the opening of the Burberry brand’s second largest store in North America. The opening featured a burst of creative energies, from the immersive digital experience of “rain sounds” that filled the space to the Art of the Trench, which showcased Chicagoans wearing the iconic trench coat. The social platform invites users from all over the world to submit personal trench portraits. The website, which launched in 2009 has now become a Tumblr.
The Chicago launch also incorporated the “physical-digital” connection that the brand has popularized since the flagship opening in Taiwan, during which Burberry’s ground-breaking technology, the Burberry Retail Theatre concept, and 360 degree screen stunned audience members. Burberry Chief Creative Officer, Christopher Bailey said, “It was incredibly exciting to launch our beautiful new flagship store in the heart of downtown Chicago tonight. We brought our new space to life through a distinctly British mix of music and weather, digital projections of Chicago’s iconic landmarks and by showcasing some of the most inspiring Chicagoans on our Art of the Trench platform.”
British musician Carl Barat, from the Libertines, as well as DJ Matt Roan set the mood while guests such as Charlie Barnett, Billy Zane and Alex Holden, as well as former football player Jerry Azumah, DJ Kid Color, and JC Steinbrunner mingled and had their photographs taken for the Art of Trench project. To further celebrate the opening, Burberry partnered with John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation to create $2.2 million in funding for the support of the Chicago Hive Learning Network. The funding will help to inspire the youth of Chicago to pursue higher education and help develop essential creative and professional skills. The aid further reflects the Burberry theme of connectivity, which, through technology joins Chicago residents with Burberry headquarters, news, and world events.

Sara Cardoza
Sara graduated from the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Virginia with a degree in creative writing. As a military child she spent her childhood living and travelling overseas which shaped her passion for travel, language, food, and intercultural exchange. She has recently joined the JustLuxe editorial team....(Read More)