Photo Courtesy of Palais Hansen Kempinski Though it took a long time for the Kempinskis to open one of their luxury hotel chains in Vienna, nothing was held back in regards to this fantastic new location. With spectacular amenities and accommodations, this hotel should be at (or at least near) the top of your list for your next stay in Austria.
44The Kempinski Hotels Map of the World* now shows 76 establishments in 30 countries on three continents. New ones are always on the way, and these are numbers that only increase. In Budapest we have the splendid Kempinski Corvinus. Outside the country within a few hours drive are Kempinskis at Portoroz in Slovenia, Savudrija in Croatia, Bratislava and the High Tatras in Slovakia and Prague in the Czech Republic. In Austria there’s one right over in the Tyrol past Saltzburg. All of which has pointed to one significant gap: Vienna. Read More on budapesttimes.hu