
Seven Secrets of Enviable Hair

Have a Good Hair Day Everyday

Every woman on the planet has that girlfriend. You know, the one with the amazing head of hair that never seems to suffer from split ends, fly-aways or frizz. She always has perfect hair when your tresses feel like an out-of-control mess. What she isn’t telling you is the amount of time, money and energy she’s expending to care for her seemingly perfect hair. Luckily for you, it’s possible to achieve your dream of having amazing hair without emptying your bank account or spending all your free time having your roots colored and ends snipped. Here are the top seven secrets to enviable hair.

Know How to Wash Your Hair

Forget the days of lather, rinse and repeat. The real secret to washing your hair is emulsifying the shampoo and conditioner, which is basically a fancy term for allowing the heat of your hands to activate the products. Once the shampoo and conditioner are ready, start by working each product into your roots first and your hair shafts second.

Skip the Shampoo Altogether

Shampoo might eliminate dirt and styling product residue, but it also strips the hair and scalp of its natural protective oils. As a rule, wash your hair no more than two to three days a week. On the off days, wear a hat or simply rinse your locks and condition the ends.

Turn the Heat Off or at Least Down

It’s no secret heat fries your hair, especially the ends. Most women are well aware of this fact but aren’t willing to give up their hair dryers, curling irons and straighteners. It’s going to be difficult, but it’s essential for the appearance of your hair that you try to use heat sparingly. Once again, hats work great on the off days, and you can never go wrong with a sleek ponytail or a sophisticated bun.

There Is Such a Thing as the Right Hairbrush

When it comes to brushing your hair, there are only two simple rules to follow. The first is never brush your hair when it’s wet, as this can severely damage the cuticles. Secondly, a natural boar-bristle brush is the best way to undo those bed-head tangles. Studies have found these bristles can effectively distribute your scalp’s natural oils, which helps protect your hair as well as keep it looking shiny and amazing.

Alter Your Diet

Aside from affecting your ability to fit into a favorite pair of skinny jeans, eating an unbalanced, junk-food-laden diet can also have a profoundly negative effect on your hair. Omega-3 fatty acids, like the ones found in many varieties of fish, and protein are the best vitamins for your hair. For the sake of your tresses, skip the chocolate cake and grab a handful of nuts or a wedge of cheese instead.

Take Your Vitamins

Contrary to what you might believe, there are hair growth vitamin supplements that can make your tresses appear healthier, stronger and longer. Taking a multivitamin is a great way to strengthen your hair, but you can also snack on a few healthy foods to get the same effect. Prenatal vitamins are another way to go; just ask any expectant mother with great nails and hair where to pick up a bottle.

Sleep on It

Before you even grab that all-important cup of coffee, take a look at your hair in the morning. All of that tossing and turning is causing major damage to your hair in the form of breakage or hair loss. Before you hit the sheets, brush out your dry hair with that natural-bristle brush and either stuff your tresses into a sleep bonnet or wrap them in a silk or satin scarf. This will not only prevent breakage, but the bonnet or scarf will make it easier to get a comb through your hair come morning.

Aside from the aforementioned tips, there are a few other ways to have the best hair possible. Visit the salon to have your hair trimmed every few weeks, revitalize your hair with the periodic deep-conditioning treatment and whenever possible, the natural look is always the best.

Go Girl!

Seymour Moore

It was once said that there is more to see in your own back garden than if you travelled far and wide. Well I live in a second floor apartment and I have studied my window box thoroughly only to come to the conclusion that there is a big wide world out there waiting to be explored. When given the opportuinity I'll venture forth and if time allows be happy to jot a few notes about the places I've...(Read More)

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