
Skin Care Effective Tips Of Tomatoes

Tomatoes Are Good For skin care

Tomato is one of the most used fruits in the kitchen. It is used in salads, juices, sandwiches, sauces and for the preparation of many other dishes. One benefit of tomato that many people aren’t aware of is that it is the most inexpensive remedy for skin care. Tomato, which is rich in nutrients, is capable of treating many different skin conditions and problems.

Tomato is every effective when it comes to skin care. It is can treat several types of skin problems such as acne, oily skin, blackheads, skin rashes, dry skin, sunburns, enlarged pores, discoloration and dull complexion. As mentioned earlier, the tomato contains wide variety of nutritional elements that are not only good for your overall health, but also good for your skin. Tomato is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and also contains vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, E and K. It is also a great source of fiber, manganese, potassium, iron, magnesium, lycopene and carotenes. Lycopene, which is present in tomato in great quantity than any other fruit and vegetable, is one considered to be one of the most powerful antioxidants. 

Powerful antioxidant present in the tomato helps to fight free radicals, thereby preventing abnormal skin cell changes which can cause acne, wrinkles, skin done change, discoloration and many more skin problems.

Tomato is a rich source of vitamin C and can reduce skin imperfections such as skin tone and texture and also brighten a dull complexion. Vitamin A present in tomatoes helps to build healthy skin cells that are strong and resilient. Tomatoes, like most of the other fruits, are acidic which gives it a natural astringent effect on the face and pores. This helps in removing the dead skin cells from the top layer of skin, thus eliminating excess oil and clearing blackheads that fill the top of pores. Tomato is useful for people with oil skin, since it reduces excess oil that sits on top of the skin, thereby balancing the oiliness. You can use tomatoes alone or combine them other natural ingredients to eliminate skin disorders.

Tomato has the power to clean and cleanse the skin of bacteria that causes acne. The tomato can remove pimples, blackheads and zits by reducing the inflammation and redness caused by blocked pores. To reduce the acne, take a ripened tomato and mash it up, apply it to the area affected by acne, leave it for an hour or so and then risen off with tepid water. Repeating this process for a week will give you a brighter complexion and get rid of the acne as well.

Using a combination of tomato and honey will do wonders to your skin, since honey is a natural antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory. Mix tomato juice with hone and apply it to the skin for 15-20 minutes. Then wash it with warm water and pat your skin dry. This will brighten your skin and give you a glowing and younger looking skin.


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