
Thinking of Halloween?


Stefan Corina

Halloween Destinations In Romania

As Halloween is approaching, we will write a short review about our Romanian Halloween destinations. Actually, as many people dress like Dracula during Halloween, it will not be a bad idea to spend your All Hallows Eve in your Dracula costume in the country where Bram Stoker found his inspiration for his blood sucking hero .

Halloween destinations according to Vlad II’s life

Sighisoara- the place birth of Vlad II. His former house is now a restaurant in old citadel. You can really enjoy the medieval athmosphere.
Hunedoara - Hunyadi Castle- the place where it was supposed Vlad II to have been imprisoned.
Capatanenii Pamanteni- Poienari- Only a commune where are the ruins of the only Castle built by Vlad the Impaler.
Targoviste- Vlad the Impaler had the Wallachia capital at Targoviste and contributed to the fortification.
Bucharest – the old court was also a residence of Vlad II, simultaneously with the Targoviste one.

Draculea Historic Figure

As many of you know “Dracula” only from movies, we will reiterate briefly his real history as Prince of Wallachia ( not count of Transylvania). Vlad III ( also named Draculea or Vlad Tepes – the Impaler) was born in Sighisoara in 1431 and he was son of Vlad II ( Dracul). His father was exiled in Transylvania during Vlad’s childhood.

The nickname of “Dracul” ( translated as “Devil”) passed to his inheritance ( Mircea, Vlad the Impaler, Radu the Handsome) as Draculea. The origin of this controversial nickname of Draculea is simpler than horror passionate might imagine. His father became a Dragon Order member. Locals, merchants, agricultures, simple people did not what a Dragon is and associated the heraldic of Vlad II to what they imagine to be the devil.

Vlad II has 3 reigns, first in 1448, the longest one between 1456 and 1462, the last one in 1476, this is also the supposed year of his death.

Vlad the Impaller, in Romania, is more known as a hero, despite his habit of Impaling the enemies. His Impalling punishment had also good sides. He was against thieves, lazy people, traitors. The legends say that, during his times, if one lost a bag of gold in the middle of the road, the victim would find the bag next day at the same place.


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