
Ways To Mix Vintage and Luxury Styles At Home

Home Decor


Keeping the balance between both vintage and modern styles within your home’s décor, without looking forced, can be a difficult endeavour. There are many aspects of the two styles that just don’t mix together, and it can be a nightmare trying to piece it all into one harmonious ideal. Before you go out and splash all your cash on ill-thought out pieces, allow us to offer our five top ways to incorporate both of these themes into your own home:


You can find some great ideas here on these sites:

House Beautiful:Mixing Modern & Vintage

FADS Modern Furniture

A Vintage Modern Home from


Clean Lines and Fancy Detailing

If you want to decorate with intricate vintage designs, say a delicate lace tablecloth or a rustic wall covering – you’re going to want to keep the modern aspects on the proverbial down low. Stick to block colour and clean lines before using the vintage pieces to do the talking. If you don’t, you will only create a ‘busy’ atmosphere in your home, which isn’t conducive to a stylish or even practical look.


Find Your Vintage

If you’re at a loss as where best to source your vintage pieces – you’re in for a treat; there’s a wealth of them absolutely everywhere. If you quickly Google your town and “vintage” store, there are bound to be some within at the very most, a 20 mile radius of your home. If you’re down in the deep rural parts of the country, you can still gain access to some beautiful vintage pieces. For absolute bargains, you can check out eBay.


Cheat The Vintage

If you don’t want to buy pieces that are actually vintage, there are plenty of designs of modern decorative pieces that can be incorporated into a vintage theme. This way, you can rest assured that your pieces will go the distance – some vintage pieces have a tendency to ruin easily, which can be a huge pain if you’ve perfectly incorporated them into your design scheme.



If you want to create pieces with a vintage feel that have that authentic homemade feel – get creative. The best, and one of the easiest ways to do this, has to be the traditional patchwork quilt. This can be a really sweet way to bring your own touch into the bedroom, or for a throw on the sofa – you can incorporate pieces of fabric that actually mean something to you and remind you of people or places. There are plenty of tutorials to be found online – it’s easier than you think.


Colour Scheme


If you’re going to be meshing two styles together, you need to make sure that you’re being consistent in other areas. By sticking to one set colour scheme, you can ensure that your décor doesn’t get lost in translation – you want people to be subtly enticed by your designs, not brashly bombarded with a colour scheme that you just didn’t know how to rein in. To continue the vintage feel, opt for washes or pastel hues, avoid bright colours unless you’re going for a Sixties look. Keep it simple.

Perl Watson

Perl Watson works in the world of Online Publishing through article writing, e-books, kindle books, and as a Google Partner. She is a mother of 4 year old girl and enjoys reading and writing on various topics. Follow her on More)

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