If you think nice packing and a receipt prove the authenticity of any posh product, you need to be a little more cautious. With big brands comes bigger responsibilities—not just to take care of your investment, but to first make sure what you are purchasing and taking care of is original and actually deserves your money, love, and attention. Plus there are few things as embarrassing as unknowingly carrying a counterfeit bag and getting called out.

For six consecutive years (2006 to 2012), Louis Vuitton was declared the world’s most valuable luxury brand. The label’s LV monogram that appeared on its products like luxury trunks, watches, jewelry, books, scarves, sunglasses, shoes and leather goods was as much a symbol of pride for the world’s leading international fashion house as it continues to be for its clients.
When a luxury brand is so highly sought after, there are more companies trying to get a slice of the attention by ripping off the designs. So how would you really know the difference between the real and the fake pre-owned Louis Vuitton? Here are 10 ways to distinguish between an original and a fake, new or pre-owned Louis Vuitton:

- Note down the name, model, color, pattern, logo placement, material, accessories and all relevant details about the bag you have in mind. Do not expect to just go online or to a pre-owned Louis Vuitton auction and purchase one that you fancy there.
Many fake versions of some new or even pre-owned Louis Vuitton products that don’t even exist in an LV collection are surprisingly sold in the market at a very high figure, and the consumer ends up paying the price (in the literal sense as well!) due to their lack of knowledge.
Double-check the reliability of the pre-owned Louis Vuitton seller
There is no reason not to! You are spending a big chunk of your money—you should take your time and examine the product closely and carefully. If you are buying your pre-owned Louis Vuitton online, make sure the website you are buying from is reliable. Check the customer reviews and the site’s reputation. Ask the people around you if they have made any purchases for first-hand feedback.
If you can, ask a LV salesperson if they know about pre-owned Louis Vuitton bags being sold at such website. Louis Vuitton has a great resale market, which is a sign of the brand’s strength. A good salesperson working at an original LV boutique can always guide you where and how to buy a pre-owned Louis Vuitton.