
Newport Beach Club's Tennis Cottage Shows What Eco-Friendly Really Means

It's safe to say that nearly everyone has seen homes being hailed as eco-friendly and environmentally conscious, but more often than not, it just means they stuck some solar panels on the roof and called it a day. Some companies truly take those notions to life though, such as Jillian Pritchard Cooke's home design philosophy Wellness Within Your Walls (WWYW). With an aim to improve health and wellness through eco-sensitive products, the company recently helped create the Tennis Cottage model home at the Newport Beach Club in Rhode Island.

Mila Pantovich

An avid traveler, Mila Pantovich lives in the UK with her husband and cat. She has been working with JustLuxe as a writer and editor since 2012 and has been featured in several publications. Follow her travels on Instagram: @MilaPantovich ...(Read More)

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