
The Best Instagram Accounts of Paris Fashion Week

ekaterina pavrovsky

Photo Credit: Ekaterina Pavrovsky

While New York Fashion Week challenged industry norms this season with a consumer-driven, social media-friendly format, a more traditional Paris Fashion Week followed with a far more exclusive presentation, appealing directly to buyers and press while accepting far fewer brands and bloggers.

Fashion enthusiasts looking for the same front-row access they enjoyed from Manhattan via the Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube accounts of their favorite bloggers have had to look a little harder for a peek at the runways of Paris. However, even in the City of Light, some influencers have provided a window to satisfy Fashion Week FOMO around the world.  

Follow these top influencers (or look back on their feeds) for the best of Paris Fashion Week:


Emilie Higel

Paris native Emilie Higel, who now splits her time between France and Luxembourg (with many a trip to New York), offers a unique view of her home city with a style that transcends its borders, appealing to a largely international audience.


Valentina Ferragni

Sister to reigning queen of influence, Chiara Ferragni, Valentina has earned her own fame in the fashion industry as both a blogger and designer, recently launching her own bikini line. Her Instagram combines fashion and culture with photo and video to bring Fashion Week to life.


Alessia Sica

Italian blogger Alessia Sica mixes her own street looks with ample runway shots and Paris staples (including, yes, the Eiffel Tower), to give viewers a true inside peek of the full PFW scene. Artistic scenes, from a winding staircase to a perfectly placed pastry, make her account all the more interesting.


Lu Tranchesi

Brazilian mother and style icon Lu Trancesi has given her viewers a playful look at Paris Fashion Week, offering glimpses of the City of Love in between runway and street shots in a whimsical style that has earned her a global following. In a blogosphere of "kissy faces," her alligator smile is refreshing.  


Jessica Mercedes Kirschner

For a posh look at Paris, follow Polish blogger Jessica Mercedes Kirschner, whose carefully curated posts cover lifestyle, dining, runway shots and classically French street scenes. As much a travel blogger as a style icon, her posts show viewers how to explore the city.


As Fashion Weeks around the world (even Paris) become more visible to consumers, influencers remain a crucial part of engaging these future buyers -- the audience designers ultimately seek to reach. 

Kim Westwood

Kim Westwood is the Founder and Managing Director of Shopping Links (, an online marketplace designed to make it easier for Bloggers and Brands to connect and collaborate. Shopping Links specializes in the identification and engagement of the world’s leading and most up-to-date Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle Bloggers. ...(Read More)

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