
Celebrity election endorsements

Romney & Obama

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Ohhhh, gotta love election year.  Election years remind me of the addage, "Opinions are like (insert crude slang word for 'butts' here) - everyone has one and they all stink."  With only 4 days to go until election, the mud is flying in the political world and everyone is talking politics, especially celebrities who use their visibility to endorse their favorite candidate.  I came across one such list and thought I'd share.  BTW, whatever your political beliefs, I do hope you make it to the polls Tuesday - vote for what you believe in!

To compile a list of celebrity presidential endorsements, you first have to relax your meaning of celebrity.

President Barack Obama supporter George Clooney and Mitt Romney supporter Clint Eastwood, of course, fit the definition like a tuxedo at the Oscars. And let’s add Steven Spielberg - his film company DreamWorks donated more than $4 million to an Obama SuperPAC - to the list. Meanwhile, executives at various other film studios have donated to Romney. 

See a celebrity endorsement list here.


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