
Do you Believe in having a Luxury Sleep?



Well you can have a restful luxury sleep without taking a prescription.  I have been given the opportunity to try a supplement called Glysom. It is a safe and effective, scientifically proven and you can only get from a physician. What it does is gives you a deeper and sounder sleep without morning drowsiness. 

Glysom is made from a specific amino acid called glycine.  Like many amino acids, glycine is produced naturally in the body and can be found in many of the proteins we eat, such as fish, meat and beans. For those with occasional sleeplessness, Glysom has been shown, through several clinical studies, to help improve sleep quality.

Glysom helps to induce sleep by resetting the body’s “internal clock.”  This happens, thanks to a complex process of cellular activity, that signals the body to relax and prepare for a more satisfying and restful sleep.

Now the Big Question, Did it work for me? Yes, I tried it out for a week and it gave me a deeper sleep, and I am a light sleeper, but I still woke up at 2 am as I usally do, being a mom out of habit, I did wake up refreshed and not foggy at all. So if you would like to try the product, go to to find a doctor near you that carries Glysom.

Alicia D.

Alicia Denise is a Spa Consultant to many companies in the skincare industry. She has been recognized in several media outlets such as Daily Candy and the Examiner. CBS Paramount sought her out due to an Italian facial treatment called 'The Iron Mask' for the Doctor's TV Show. She assisted with the segment 'Extreme Ways to look good and Feel Great'. Beauty is her passion! She has worked with ...(Read More)

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