
Don't let your Home become a Victim of Crime

Protecting a home is much more important than ever. Crime against property is increasing year on year and statistics point out that 20 homes are damaged, vandalised or burgled every minute. Installing a burglar alarm is no longer enough to deter these criminals. Nowadays people require full security systems, lights, pads, and even dogs!!

Ensuring that you have building insurance to protect you financially if something was to happen to your house is a must. However there are things that can be done that will, ultimately, ‘put off’ a burglar. Insurance is simply a way of dealing with the after effects.

1.       Security alarms

All homes need one! It is worth noting that alarm boxes are generally displayed on the front of a house, easily noticeable for potential criminals. The alarm can be set to only work at night or can be manually activated.

2.       Security lights

These, again, shown on the exterior of a property, will light up when it detects movement. The light is extremely bright and will panic anyone who is in its path. The light also serves to alert neighbours who may be equally intrigued as to why the light is on in the first place. These are particularly ideal for those who have private gardens.

3.       Pressure pads

These are to be placed on the floor directly underneath a window or entry point of a house. Once the pad is stepped on, it will activate an alarm.

4.       Guard dog

Sounds silly but if you own a dog, and make it known, then you are less likely to become a victim of burglary. It is important to remember that however small the dog is, this method can still work. A ‘Beware of the Dog’ sign can work wonders in deterring burglars. Even if you haven’t got a dog, buy a sign!

5.       Community stickers

Neighbourhood Watch stickers and other community group signs are a great way of displaying togetherness within a neighbourhood. Whether you actively engage or not, these stickers are enough to put off any criminal.

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