
Iranian Diplomats' Surprising Shopping Spree in NYC



The US and Iran may be at odds on many things, but apparently retail sales is not one of them. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sent his aides to go on a shopping spree in New York City. And where they ventured to may surprise you. 

According to the New York Daily News the President’s aides were out about town during the United Nations General Assembly. Ahmadinejad was of course posted up at his Warwick Hotel in Manhattan but his entourage was finding bargains at places that included Payless Shoesource, Costco, Walgreens and Duane Reade. 


From shampoo to children’s shoes the Iranian President was clearly on a consumer mission. Find out what all the Iranian team purchased on their stay in NYC; full story found on the Huffington Post.

Allie Montgomery

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