
New BlephEx Treatment Brightens Your Eyes for a Younger, Healthier Look

Dr. James Rynerson

Dr. James Rynerson

There’s a new tool on the market that allows you to refresh and rejuvenate your look. With a simple procedure, the BlephEx treatment allows you to get rid of the gunk in your eyes and allows your lashes to grow long and free for a younger, healthier appearance for those suffering from chronic blepharitis. You whiten your teeth to brighten your smile and the new BlephEx procedure created by Dr. James Rynerson similarly allows you to brighten your eyes with a simple in-office procedure.


Blepharitis is often a result of aging and creates a sleepy, gunky look. With the new treatment, you can have younger looking eyes in just moments with very minimal downtime. Dr. Rynerson gives JustLuxe an exclusive look at his new treatment.


What was your inspiration for developing BlephEx?

I became tired of trying to help patients treat their chronic blepharitis, with no success. I thought there had to be better way than to have patients treat themselves. I realized that blepharitis was similar to chronic gingivitis, and that eye doctors could be as pro-active as dentists, if they only had a way to do it.

People are used to visiting their dentists to get their teeth cleaned. Is this a similar process?

This is an exact analogy. People did not brush their teeth 150 years ago and wondered why their teeth all fell out after 20 - 30 years of gingivitis. Now we know that if we maintain good oral hygiene, that we have a good chance of keeping our teeth in our head. We now realize that if we can help patients maintain good lid hygiene, we can keep their own tear glands working all of their life and we can prevent dry eye disease. Using artificial tears is the same as using dentures, they are both avoided with good hygiene. Once your teeth fall out, that’s it, they are gone, but even if your tear glands have atrophied and are not working, they can be resuscitated and produce tears again.

What is blepharitis?

Blepharitis means "lid inflammation". As we age, the normal flora bacteria that live along our eyelid increase in number and begin producing a biofilm, like plaque on the teeth. They also produce exotoxins which get trapped in this biofilm. The exotoxins diffuse into the lid margin tissue and cause low-grade chronic inflammation which, over time, shuts down our tear glands leading to chronic dry eye disease. 

How prevalent is it?

35% of all patients have some level of blepharitis which increases to 70% in those over the age 60. Women are more prone to blepharitis due to hormonal changes as they age, but it occurs in both sexes and in all age groups.

Can BlephEx help the eyes to appear younger and healthier?

By removing the inflammatory biofilm and exotoxins, the eyes become more comfortable and less red and watery, certainly looking more restful and healthy.

What are the symptoms?

Blepharitis produces a wide range of symptoms such as itchy, scratchy eyes with foreign body sensation, tearing, mattering, stickiness and the need to rub the eyes. As the disease progresses, the eyes become constantly dry. Many patients wake up with a crustiness along the eyelid margins.

Please describe the BlephEx treatment procedure?

Used only by eye doctors, the BlephEx device spins a medical grade, micro-sponge, soaked with a lid scrub solution, along the margin of the eyelid, completely removing the built-up biofilm and exotoxins. A clean sponge tip is used for each eyelid. Numbing drops are instilled into the eyes before the procedure, and the eyes are rinsed thoroughly afterwards. 

People get their teeth cleaned for cosmetic and practical reasons, is it the same with this procedure? 

Only for practical reasons, such as elimination of blepharitis symptoms and prevention of dry eye disease. Many times, tear glands can be resuscitated, and patients will actually begin producing their own tears again after years of depending on artificial tears.

Is it painless?

The procedure takes less than 10 minutes and most patients report only a tickling sensation.

Are the results immediate?

Most patients report an almost immediate improvement in their symptoms. 

How soon after BlephEx can you apply makeup?

Make-up should be withheld until the next day.

How often should the procedure be done?

BlephEx should be performed every 4 to 6 months depending on the severity of the disease. Patients are encouraged to perform home lid scrubs in between treatments to slow the recurrence of the biofilm. Even with the best home scrub routine, the biofilm will eventually return, symptoms will recur, and patient will once again be on the road to chronic dry eye disease.

Can BlephEx help make eyelashes appear thicker and longer?

The main reason for lash loss is the chronic inflammation of blepharitis which not only destroys the tear glands as mentioned, but also damages the lash follicles so lash loss becomes more prominent. Healthier lids equals healthier eyelash follicles. BlephEx will not result in longer or thicker lashes.

What is the cost per treatment?

The cost will usually be between $175 to $225 per treatment.

How can a person locate a BlephEx eye care professional?

Go to our website and click the "Find a Doctor" button on the right side of the page.

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BlephEx...Healthy lids for Life!

Dr. James Rynerson

Blephex Device
Dr. James Rynerson

Dr. James Rynerson
Dr. James Rynerson

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Carly Zinderman

Carly Zinderman is a Senior Staff Writer for JustLuxe, based just outside of Los Angeles, CA. Since graduating from Occidental College with a degree in English and Comparative Literary Studies, she has written on a variety of topics for books, magazines and online publications, but loves fashion and style best. In her spare time, when she?s not writing, Carly enjoys watching old movies, reading an...(Read More)

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