
Taking the mystery out of Virtual Employment

I am taking the big step into Virtual Employment and found so much informationthat I want to share and help those that also seek becoming virtual employees.

After deciding this was the route I wished to pursue there were so many questions and just not enough answers. I have done so much research (and still do almost daily) I thought why not take some of the mystery out of Virtual Employment and share.

As I already have so many hours invested I am going to streamline some of the information and put it out there for others... and what an educational experience for the readers to actually witness some of theeventsas they unfold! I admit it is not as an exciting read as a zombie novel or romance, but I can at least take SOME of the pain of learning and try to add a few laughs while getting this business up and running.


Starting Out


So I found myself downsized and thanks to a great suggestion decided to try my hand at Virtual Empployment. No more hour long commute... no need for a sitter before and after school as I will be setting my own hours .... and both of these add to some large savings to boot! No more gas money (and today that is a large chunk of change, especially if you are driving 50 miles each way) No more paying for the daycare, no more buying lunch out ... and I can't forget the savings in my wardrobe!

So here I have been seeded with a great idea and I am ready to dive in! I was brainstorming and knew I that I needed business cards and a website which led me to fist CREATE A LOGO. Here I am newly UNemployed and ready to start a venture with little to no cash - so I am not about to pay for something I bet I could do myself. I utilized the internet and started searching Free Logo Creation and after some trial and error I created my own personal logo (and what better to represent my current situation then The Phoenix!) It was really MUCH easier than you would think so please do not get discouraged before you play around with your free logo. I even figured out how to add my little catchy Tammi O.!

I have found that no matter what you are searching for or trying to do can almost always be accomplished just by searching the internet.

So now I have my neat new self created logo ... time to tackle the website and business cards! After some searching (again lots of trial and error to be honest!) I found which allowed me to easily create my flashy website (and even add widgets that were pretty cool)!

You can see my creation at (you can also click on the Wix logo from my page to create you own free webpage).

Please keep in mind that my page is still a work in progress. Right now I am trying to create a name for myself with tons of free marketing on the WWW - the exciting part is that I am bringing you along for thejourney! I can't wait to share some of the things I have learned to date!!

Some of the information I will share is SEO tactics, Networking and.... BLOGGING!

Until next time - I do hope you are enjoying the adventure of life!!

Tammi O.


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