
Six Ways To Add Value To Your Home

There are many different ways to add value to your home in order to set it apart from the rest of the property on the market, and to get it sold. Here are six ways to add value to your property:

1.     1. Extending The Kitchen

According to a recent survey taken this year, property buyers are more interested in space than in location, and adding square footage to your home is much easier than moving it to the next village! The kitchen is arguably the hub of your home, and if it is lacking in space, this would be the best room to add an extension to. Though it is a costly renovation, it is one that could double the value of your home, so it is a worthy investment.

2.    2. An External Makeover

The aesthetic appeal from the outside of your home will be your property buyers’ first impression, so it needs to be a good one! A very cost-effective route to take, and one that will work wonders on your visitors for brilliant ‘curb appeal’, ensuring the exterior of your home looks well-kept is key in selling your home. The price is not possible to gauge, as it depends on how much work you feel your home requires. It could simply be a case of repairing any broken or damaged window frames, adding  house numbers or cleaning up the front drive. On the other hand, you may like to resurface the exterior walls, which will be more expensive. Either way, this is a great place to add value and a lasting impression.

3.    3. A Conservatory

A conservatory is a great way of adding value to your home, as it’s a selling point that will appeal to your potential buyers, and makes for a versatile space in the home. They can also be installed quite cheaply, and if you’ve got a beautiful outdoor space, a conservatory will really highlight it as you take your visitors around your home.

4.    4. Go Green!

Eco-friendly renovations to your home are bound to impress your potential buyers. Renovations such as adding insulation if you feel your home gets cold in the winter will really boost the value of your property. Similarly, solar panels are a fantastic selling point, and save the new home owners some money on their gas bills. For additional and quick fix-ups, scatter house plants around some rooms, and add solar lighting up your driveway.

5.    5. Knocking Down Walls

Though fairly costly, opening up small rooms will make a huge different to the atmosphere and impression made on your home. As space is the top priority for most home buyers nowadays, knocking down a wall or two to make an open-plan living space not only adds value to your home, but modernises it.

6.    6. The Finishing Touches

A simple task such as re-painting a room, or putting down a new carpet, will make such a big difference to the feel and mood of your home. Keep everything neutral so your visitors can visualise themselves in your home, and can see the potential.

Zoe is a home interior blogger, and has written this post for house sign company House Name Plate.


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