
Six Ways to Decrease your Carbon Footprint When you Travel

Whether you travel across the country or around the world, your adventure can leave a trail of pollution and environmental damage. Reduce your carbon footprint with six tips. As you implement these environmentally friendly travel tips, you ensure the world is a better place for you and future generations.

  1. Plan Wisely

Instead of a spontaneous trip, plan each day. Try to group your schedule based on geography. As you visit tourist spots that are located close together, you avoid wasting fuel driving between sights. You should also consider booking a hotel that’s close to the sights you want to see so you can walk more and drive less.

  1. Drive Smart

If you do need to drive to your destination, plan to avoid rush hour and road construction. Choose the most direct route.

Before leaving, inspect your vehicle and make sure it’s working efficiently. You want to be safe, and a tuned up car uses less fuel.

For eco-friendly travel, carpool with friends or acquaintances who are also traveling to your destination. You can also check out public transportation. Buses and trains are comfortable and increasingly accessible to a variety of destinations.

  1. Hike More

Whenever possible, strap on your walking shoes and see the world on foot. Maybe you can walk from one city to the next or hike between outdoor campsites. When you limit vehicular travel, you reduce your carbon footprint and improve your physical health.

  1. Fly Straight

When your vacation spot is inaccessible by car, book a straight flight. Layovers cost you time and increase environmental damage. For each flight you take, purchase offset credits that are used to plant trees. These programs replenish the natural resources used when you travel.

  1. Eat Local

Shipping food across the country costs money and harms the environment. Instead of eating exotic food from far away, eat local cuisine. You will discover foods that taste great, and you’ll be supporting the local economy.

Remember to look for local markets. Here, you can purchase fresh and in-season fruits and vegetables that taste great and make great snacks or light meals.

  1. Before you Leave Home

As you reduce your carbon footprint while traveling, remember to prepare your home to be eco-friendly. Turn off all the lights, and unplug unnecessary appliances. Switch the water heater to vacation mode, and adjust the thermostat. With your home prepared, you’re ready to enjoy your vacation away from your job developing Maxwell Systems software.

These six eco-friendly travel tips allow you to reduce your carbon footprint. Whether you travel for pleasure or for work, take steps today to improve the environment as you tour the world.

Shane Jones

I am an internet marketer, and blogging fanatic, who loves to write about business, the current economy, anything marketing, and SEO.  I also am an avid outdoors-man, who loves hiking, rock climbing, and kayaking.  You can also follow my opinions on soccer and sports at  Tweet me @shanejones15 about anything! I'd be happy to talk!...(Read More)

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